Embracing Transformation: Navigating the Pattern of Sense of Loss Across Seven Dimensions of Life
The pattern of sense of loss[1] weaves itself into the fabric of our lives, casting a shadow over our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Whether it stems from the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or the loss of a cherished dream, the pervasive feeling of loss can exert a profound influence on every aspect of our existence. Join us on a transformative journey as we explore the impact of the pattern of sense of loss across the seven dimensions of life and discover the path to healing, growth, and renewal.
The pattern of sense of loss can manifest in physical symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, or changes in appetite, as well as in emotional distress such as sadness, anxiety, or grief.[2] The toll of loss on our health can be significant, affecting our immune system, cardiovascular health, and overall well-being.[3] Navigating the pattern of sense of loss in health requires a commitment to self-care, support from loved ones, and professional assistance if needed, as we honor our bodies and emotions with compassion and kindness.
Sense of loss can strain our relationships, leading to feelings of isolation, resentment, or disconnection. Whether it's the loss of a partner, friend, or family member,[4] the absence of a loved one can leave a void in our lives that affects our ability to connect with others and form meaningful bonds. Navigating the pattern of sense of loss in relationships requires a willingness to communicate openly and honestly with loved ones, seek support from our community, and find healthy ways to honor the memory of those we have lost while nurturing our connections with the living.[5]
Loss can shake our sense of identity and self-worth, leading to feelings of emptiness, confusion, or existential angst.[6] Whether it's the loss of a job, a role, or a sense of purpose, the absence of something that once defined us can leave us questioning who we are and what our place is in the world. Navigating the pattern of sense of loss in self-awareness requires a commitment to self-reflection, self-compassion, and self-discovery, as we explore our values, strengths, and aspirations and find new ways to define ourselves and our purpose.[7]
Loss can impact our financial stability and security, leading to feelings of insecurity, scarcity, or fear about the future.[8] Whether it's the loss of income, investments, or material possessions, financial setbacks can disrupt our sense of stability and control over our lives.[9] Navigating the pattern of sense of loss in finances requires a commitment to financial planning, budgeting, and resourcefulness, as we adapt to changing circumstances and find creative solutions to rebuild our financial resilience and security.
Loss can derail our career aspirations and goals, leading to feelings of disappointment, disillusionment, or uncertainty about our professional path.[10] Whether it's the loss of a job, a promotion, or a sense of fulfillment in our work, setbacks in our vocation can shake our confidence and sense of purpose. Navigating the pattern of sense of loss in vocation requires a commitment to resilience, adaptability, and self-empowerment, as we explore new opportunities, leverage our strengths, and redefine success on our own terms.[11]
Loss can stifle our creative expression and self-exploration, leading to feelings of stagnation, inhibition, or self-doubt.[12] Whether it's the loss of inspiration, motivation, or confidence in our creative abilities, setbacks in self-expression can hinder our ability to express ourselves authentically and pursue our passions.[13] Navigating the pattern of sense of loss in self-expression requires a commitment to self-compassion, experimentation, and vulnerability, as we embrace the creative process as a journey of discovery and growth, rather than a destination.
Loss can impact our ability to make a positive impact in the world, leading to feelings of powerlessness, apathy, or disengagement from our communities and causes we care about.[14] Whether it's the loss of a sense of agency, purpose, or hope for the future, setbacks in contribution can undermine our motivation and sense of responsibility to create change. Navigating the pattern of sense of loss in contribution requires a commitment to resilience, empathy, and social connection, as we find new ways to channel our energy, resources, and talents towards meaningful causes and collective action.
In conclusion, the journey of navigating the pattern of sense of loss is a profound odyssey of healing, growth, and renewal across the seven dimensions of life. By embracing our emotions, seeking support from loved ones, and finding meaning and purpose in our experiences of loss, we can transform our pain into wisdom, our sorrow into strength, and our sense of loss into an opportunity for profound transformation and renewal.
[1] Harvey, John H. Perspectives on loss: A sourcebook. Routledge, 2014.
[2] Gershfeld-Litvin, Avital. "Women’s experiences following mastectomy: loss, grief, and meaning-reconstruction." Illness, Crisis & Loss 29.3 (2021): 187-204.
[3] McClocklin, Patricia A., and Reinekke Lengelle. "Cures for the heart: A poetic approach to healing after loss." British Journal of Guidance & Counselling 46.3 (2018): 326-339.
[4] Steffen, Edith, and Adrian Coyle. "Sense of presence experiences and meaning-making in bereavement: A qualitative analysis." Death Studies 35.7 (2011): 579-609.
[5] Boekhout, Brock, Susan S. Hendrick, and Clyde Hendrick. "The loss of loved ones: The impact of relationship infidelity." Loss and Trauma. Routledge, 2021. 358-374.
[6] Gitterman, Alex, and Carolyn Knight. "Non-death loss: Grieving for the loss of familiar place and for precious time and associated opportunities." Clinical Social Work Journal 47 (2019): 147-155.
[7] Espinoza-Magana, Nancy. Sense of identity loss and continuity in narratives of immigration of a group of Latin American Canadian women. Diss. University of British Columbia, 2013.
[8] Walsh, Froma, and Monica McGoldrick. "When a family deals with loss: Adaptational challenges, risk, and resilience." Handbook of stress, trauma, and the family. Routledge, 2013. 393-415.
[9] Natalier, Kristin A. "Descriptions of loss and resilience among fathers paying child support." Journal of Family Studies 18.2-3 (2012): 246-255.
[10] Conroy, Samantha A., and Anne M. O'Leary-Kelly. "Letting go and moving on: Work-related identity loss and recovery." Academy of Management Review 39.1 (2014): 67-87.
[11] Anaf, Julia, et al. "The interplay between structure and agency in shaping the mental health consequences of job loss." BMC Public Health 13 (2013): 1-12.
[12] Rilke, Rainer Maria, Mo Willems, and Gabor Maté. "Navigating adversity in adulthood through creative self-expression." The Expressive Instinct: How Imagination and Creative Works Help Us Survive and Thrive (2022): 150.
[13] Tomaselli, Keyan, and Lauren Dyll-Myklebust. "Public self-expression: Decolonising researcher–researched relationships." Communicatio 41.3 (2015): 354-373.
[14] Silver, Amber, and Jason Grek-Martin. "“Now we understand what community really means”: Reconceptualizing the role of sense of place in the disaster recovery process." Journal of Environmental Psychology 42 (2015): 32-41.